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- TF01
- 3,Q and A
- 4,Edited by Simon Plumbe
- Q & A
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- What's happening in this issue? First we get a good selection of
- readers letters and now we have plenty of questions submitted as
- well! Well, here goes...
- Q. Are there any plans for an AGA version of TFF?
- A. In a word, no. It takes us long enough to produce a standard
- version of TFF for all Amigas and the extra time taken to produce
- an AGA specific version would only make things more difficult for
- us here at Infinite Frontiers.
- As you will see from most issues of TFF now, our disks are pretty
- much full to capacity so we also simply don't have enough disk
- space to create AGA versions of all the images. To do an AGA
- version of this particular issue would need 5 or 6 disks and I'm
- sure most people wouldn't be too pleased about having to pay
- anything up to £8 or £9 for a copy, no matter how good it is!
- It would also cause an administrative nightmare for us. If someone
- ordered a copy of TFF, how would we know which version to send and
- how would we deal with our existing subscribers, some of whom are
- AGA owners?
- Another problem for us would be financial. At the moment, every
- dealer receives their master copies of TFF free of charge. Now if
- we were to produce an AGA version as well as a version that will
- run on ALL Amigas, then our production costs for each issue would
- more than double and we're on a low budget as it is!
- However, saying all of the above, we WILL be including some AGA
- artwork/animations in future issues of TFF and we may released the
- odd AGA slideshow so keep your eyes open...
- Q. When did Voyager start shooting, and when are we likely to see it?
- A. Filming on Voyager started back in September and, as with Deep
- Space Nine, the show premiered back in January with a full length
- 26 episode season. See the Voyager section in this issue for a
- full review of the pilot and the first few episodes. It won't be
- released on video until June '95 and it will broadcast on
- satellite in the autumn. There is no news as to a date for the BBC
- as yet.
- Q. How many seasons of Deep Space Nine are there likely to be?
- A. At the moment the cast are contracted for 7 seasons, although if
- the shows ratings fall it could be cancelled at any time. If
- Voyager is really successful and DS9 starts to falter, then we
- could realistically see DS9 end within a year or two. However,
- going by the quality of the third season so far, it looks as if
- DS9 will last until the end of its natural TV life.
- Q. Are we likely to see a DS9 movie?
- A. Again, it's unknown at the moment, but if DS9 does run for a full
- 7 seasons then I see no reason why Paramount won't turn the show
- into a series of movies as it is bound to make them money and, at
- the end of the day, that's all they're really interested in.
- Q. It has been said that Babylon 5 was rejected by Paramount, who
- then proceeded to make Deep Space Nine and that DS9 is a copy of
- Babylon 5, and not the other way around as we would like to
- believe. Is this true?
- A. From what I have heard, Babylon 5 WAS pitched to Paramount, but
- don't forget that Rick Berman and Michael Piller (who created DS9)
- don't have any involvement in the buying of new shows for the
- studio, so they would not have been in the position of knowing
- about Babylon 5 to allow them to steal ideas. In reality I think
- that both shows were probably conceived at around the same time,
- but the creators of both of them don't want to admit to it!! I
- would say that it was pure coincidence.
- Q. Who are the "Dominion" that the Infinite Frontiers convention are
- named after?
- A. The Dominion is a race that lives in the Gamma Quadrant who make
- their first appearance at the end of Season 2 of Deep Space Nine
- in the episode "The Jem Ha'Dar". The race can be best described as
- territorial, brutal, and deadly. Over the coming months, the
- Dominion are quite likely to become DS9's equivalent to the Borg,
- only MORE powerful!!!
- Q. Is it possible for you to put in your magazine a list of the names
- of the remaining episodes in the seventh season?
- A. For a complete list of all the Trek episodes to date, just look at
- the CIC Video guide in this issue which has every episode from
- Classic Trek, the Animated Series, TNG and DS9 right up to the
- very last TNG episode and to the end of DS9's second season.
- Q. Is it true that the last episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation
- is going to be double length? If so, does this mean that it will
- be a two parter, or will it just go against the vein of all other
- Trek episodes?
- A. The episode in question, "All Good Things" which aired in the
- States back in May '94 and released on video in October, was
- produced as a single, 90 minute story, rather like a TV Movie in
- the same was as "Encounter At Farpoint". However, it has since
- been edited into two 45 minute episodes to be shown when repeated.
- For the video release here in the UK, the two-parter was released
- first, later followed by the 90 minute version as part of a TNG
- Collectors Edition cassette released back in December.
- Q. Can you tell me what has happened to Ensign Ro and Alexander in
- recent TNG episodes? They seem to have disappeared!
- A. Have no fear! If you see the latter episodes from Season 7 they
- both appear although Ro only turns up in one story ("Preemptive
- Strike") as she left the series some time ago.
- Q. What does NCC stand for?
- A. Well, we've covered this one before, but if memory serves
- correctly, it stands for Naval Construction Class.
- Q. What are the relations between the Cardassians and other races
- like e.g. with the Federation, Romulans, Ferengi and Klingons?
- A. From what we've seen, the position with the Federation is one of a
- forced peace. They are no longer at war with each other, but they
- certainly don't trust one another. With the Romulans, it's never
- really been covered. In fact, I don't remember seeing any instance
- where an episode has touched upon the Cardassian/Romulan
- relationship.
- I'd say that the Ferengi are tolerated by them. No one really
- trusts a Ferengi, although the Cardassians are likely to deal with
- them if they have no other choice. Finally, the Klingons. I would
- say that the Kilngons generally wouldn't deal with the Cardassians
- as they wouldn't feel that they act in an honourable way, although
- I wouldn't be surprised to find Klingons like Lursa and B'Etor who
- would deal with anyone to suit their own needs.
- Any more questions? Send them in to the usual address!